Drink a toast

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Drink a toast

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drink  (drĭngk)v. drank (drăngk), drunk (drŭngk), drink·ing, drinks v.tr.1. To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid).2. To swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel): drank a cup of tea.3. To take in or soak up; absorb: drank the fresh air; spongy earth that drank up the rain.4. To take in eagerly through the senses or intellect: drank in the beauty of the day.5. a. To give or make (a toast).b. To toast (a person or an occasion, for example): We'll drink your health.6. To bring to a specific state by drinking alcoholic beverages: drank our sorrows away.v.intr.1. To swallow liquid: drank noisily; drink from a goblet.2. To drink alcoholic beverages: They only drink socially.3. To salute a person or an occasion with a toast: We will drink to your continued success.n.1. a. A liquid that is fit for drinking; a beverage.b. An alcoholic beverage, such as a cocktail or beer.c. Chiefly Southern US See soft drink. tonic2. An amount of liquid swallowed: took a long drink from the fountain.3. Liquid for drinking: The host provided food and drink.4. Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor.5. Slang A body of water; the sea: The hatch cover slid off the boat and into the drink.Idiom: drink the Kool-Aid To become an unquestioning advocate for a group, cause, or belief.[Middle English drinken, from Old English drincan; see dhreg- in Indo-European roots.]American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.drink (drɪŋk) vb, drinks, drinking, drank (dræŋk) or drunk (drʌŋk) 1. to swallow (a liquid); imbibe2. (tr) to take in or soak up (liquid); absorb: this plant drinks a lot of water. 3. (usually foll by: in) to pay close attention (to); be fascinated (by): he drank in the speaker's every word. 4. (tr) to bring (oneself) into a certain condition by consuming alcohol5. (often foll by: away) to dispose of or ruin by excessive expenditure on alcohol: he drank away his fortune. 6. (intr) to consume alcohol, esp to excess7. (when: intr, foll by to) to drink (a toast) in celebration, honour, or hope (of)8. drink someone under the table to be able to drink more intoxicating beverage than someone9. drink the health of to salute or celebrate with a toast10. drink with the flies informal Austral to drink alonen11. liquid suitable for drinking; any beverage12. alcohol or its habitual or excessive consumption13. a portion of liquid for drinking; draught14. (Nautical Terms) the drink informal the sea[Old English drincan; related to Old Frisian drinka, Gothic drigkan, Old High German trinkan] ˈdrinkable adjCollins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014drink (drɪŋk)

v. drank, drunk, often, drank, drink•ing, v.i.

1. to take a liquid into the mouth and swallow it. 2. to imbibe alcoholic drinks, esp. habitually or excessively; tipple. 3. to show one's respect, affection, or good wishes for someone or something by a ceremonious swallow of wine or other drink (usu. fol. by to). v.t. 4. to take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow. 5. to take in (a liquid) in any manner; absorb. 6. to take in through the senses, esp. with eagerness and pleasure (often fol. by in). 7. to swallow the contents of (a cup, glass, etc.). 8. to propose or participate in a toast to (a person or thing); toast: to drink one's health. 9. drink up, to drink the whole or rest of (a beverage). n. 10. any liquid that is swallowed to quench thirst, for nourishment, etc.; beverage. 11. liquor; alcohol. 12. excessive indulgence in alcohol: Drink was his downfall. 13. a swallow or draft of liquid: a drink of water. 14. the drink, a large body of water, as a lake or the ocean: Her teammates threw her in the drink. [before 900; Middle English; Old English drincan; c. Old Saxon drinkan, Old High German trinchan, Old Norse drekka, Gothic drigkan] syn: drink, imbibe, sip refer to taking liquids into the mouth. They are also used figuratively in the sense of taking in something through the mind or the senses. drink is the general word: to drink coffee; to drink in the music. imbibe is a more formal word, used most often in a figurative sense but also in reference to liquids, esp. alcohol: to imbibe culture; to imbibe with discretion. sip implies drinking little by little: to sip a soda; to sip the words of Shakespeare. usage: Confusion tends to arise regarding the forms for the past tense and past participle of drink. The standard past tense is drank: We drank our coffee. The standard past participle is drunk: Who has drunk all the milk? Yet drank has a long and respectable history in English as a past participle: Who has drank all the milk? While this construction still occurs in the speech of some educated persons, it is largely rejected, esp. as a written form. drunk as the past tense (We drunk our coffee) was once a standard variant but is now considered nonstandard, although it sometimes occurs in speech. See also drunk. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.drink

Drink can be a verb or a noun.

1. used as a transitive verb

When you drink a liquid, you take it into your mouth and swallow it. The past tense of drink is drank.

You should drink water at every meal.I drank some of my tea.

The -ed participle is drunk.

He was aware that he had drunk too much coffee.2. used as an intransitive verb

If you use drink without an object, you are usually talking about drinking alcohol.

You shouldn't drink and drive.

If you say that someone drinks, you mean that they regularly drink too much alcohol.

Her mother drank, you know.

If you say that someone does not drink, you mean that they don't drink alcohol at all.

She doesn't smoke or drink.3. used as a countable noun

A drink is an amount of liquid that you drink.

I asked her for a drink of water.Lynne brought me a hot drink.

To have a drink means to spend some time, usually with other people, drinking alcoholic drinks.

I'm going to have a drink with some friends this evening.

Drinks usually refers to alcoholic drinks.

The drinks were served in the sitting room.4. used as an uncountable noun

Drink is alcohol.

There was plenty of food and drink at the party.Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012drinkPast participle: drunkGerund: drinking

ImperativedrinkdrinkPresentI drinkyou drinkhe/she/it drinkswe drinkyou drinkthey drinkPreteriteI drankyou drankhe/she/it drankwe drankyou drankthey drankPresent ContinuousI am drinkingyou are drinkinghe/she/it is drinkingwe are drinkingyou are drinkingthey are drinkingPresent PerfectI have drunkyou have drunkhe/she/it has drunkwe have drunkyou have drunkthey have drunkPast ContinuousI was drinkingyou were drinkinghe/she/it was drinkingwe were drinkingyou were drinkingthey were drinkingPast PerfectI had drunkyou had drunkhe/she/it had drunkwe had drunkyou had drunkthey had drunkFutureI will drinkyou will drinkhe/she/it will drinkwe will drinkyou will drinkthey will drinkFuture PerfectI will have drunkyou will have drunkhe/she/it will have drunkwe will have drunkyou will have drunkthey will have drunkFuture ContinuousI will be drinkingyou will be drinkinghe/she/it will be drinkingwe will be drinkingyou will be drinkingthey will be drinkingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been drinkingyou have been drinkinghe/she/it has been drinkingwe have been drinkingyou have been drinkingthey have been drinkingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been drinkingyou will have been drinkinghe/she/it will have been drinkingwe will have been drinkingyou will have been drinkingthey will have been drinkingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been drinkingyou had been drinkinghe/she/it had been drinkingwe had been drinkingyou had been drinkingthey had been drinkingConditionalI would drinkyou would drinkhe/she/it would drinkwe would drinkyou would drinkthey would drinkPast ConditionalI would have drunkyou would have drunkhe/she/it would have drunkwe would have drunkyou would have drunkthey would have drunkCollins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011






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